Are you looking for a convenient and inexpensive Spanish curriculum? Or perhaps you are interested in a Spanish resource that will supplement a program you are already using? Looking for something that will expose your children to native Spanish speakers?
Speekee TV may be the answer you are looking for.
According to Speekee creators the top 10 reasons why parents choose this online Spanish program are:
- Great fun and extremely effective
- Created by specialist linguists and musicians
- Accelerated learning methodology for natural success
- 100% in Spanish (English and Spanish subtitles available)
- Simple presentation style
- Lively, engaging characters
- Real Spanish children in real Spanish locations
- Concise, essential Spanish vocabulary, with lots of repetition
- Catchy songs
- Created by specialist linguists and musicians
- Accelerated learning methodology for natural success
- 100% in Spanish (English and Spanish subtitles available)
- Simple presentation style
- Lively, engaging characters
- Real Spanish children in real Spanish locations
- Concise, essential Spanish vocabulary, with lots of repetition
- Catchy songs
Speekee TV allows children to learn Spanish at their own pace which makes this type of program ideal for new Spanish speakers or those looking for supplemental material for a current Spanish curriculum. Speekee TV is 10 episodes with over 150 minutes of Spanish learning. Native Spanish speaking children converse with each other in common child play locations such as the park and playground. Each episode also include songs, animation, and puppets which help to hold children's attention throughout the lesson. Along with each episode there are free activity sheets that can be downloaded to augment your child's learning. The Speekee program was created by Spanish language specialist teachers.
How we used Speekee TV:
As a Spanish speaker trying to teach my own children the beauitful language of Spanish I am always excited to try a new Spanish speaking program. I believe that the more exposure they get, no matter the form is helpful. Be it Spanish in the written, spoken, or book form any exposure will help them learn just a little more of the language.
As we began viewing the 10 episode Speekee TV collection my 3 kids immediately gravitated to the computer screen. Together the 4 of us devoured a few of the episodes right off the bat. As their attention span dwindled and I became more aware of how the episodes were organized I made plans for supplementing the additional episodes. Not only did I use the free supplemental resources available for each episode but I made notes of the topics and words discussed in each episode so that I could include them in our everyday Spanish "practice" conversations that my children and I regularly engage in. When watched in one or two episode chunks we found the material more easily digested and retained. My children and I all thoroughly enjoyed each of the 10 episodes on Speekee TV. They are fun, musical, entertaining, yet very educational. The Spanish words and phrases presented in each episode are repeated numerous times in a fun way giving Spanish learners numerous opportunities to hear, retain, and comprehend the material. Additionally, there is optional subtitles that can be turned on for each episode. Personally, I chose to not use the subtitles for two main reasons. My kids all have a good base of Spanish understanding and I feel that the subtitles would have distracted them from the material being presented.
If you are looking for a fun introduction or reinforcement for a current Spanish program you are using Speekee might be just what you are looking for.
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Disclaimer: I was proved with this product for free in exchange for my honest opinion and review. I was not compensated in any other way from Speekee or The Old Schoolhouse Homeschool Crew for this review.

Hi Alexis, This is a very informative review for me to read, especially as I am preparing a year-long curriculum for homeschoolers to use alongside Speekee TV. It's always a delight for me to see the comments of educators who can see the educational value of Speekee as well as its function to entertain. Many thanks. Jim, the one Speekee