Are you a classical homeschooler looking for a clear and easy to follow history schedule? Or are you possibly considering a classical approach to teaching your children history? Planning a history schedule using the classical method can quickly become overwhelming and bewildering. I know. . .I've been there. At the beginning of each new school year I feel like I am still there. . .overwhelmed with the feeling of how I am going to plan and do justice to the backbone of classical homeschooling; history.
Easy Classical has simplified what can be an overwhelming task for classical homeschoolers. They have written detailed and easy to understand schedules for every history time period. Each time period schedule is broken down into 36 easy to follow weekly schedules. Each weekly schedule includes mapping exercises, writing assignments, art, extra reading recommendations, and comprehension quizzes. Every schedule comes neatly organized in a 1" binder.
How we used this product:
For the purposes of this review I was provided with the Early Modern History Schedule (Explorers to 1820) and not the accompanying materials that are available from Easy Classical. Despite not having the writing with history and geography guides scheduled I found this to be a thorough and easy to follow schedule. Being a classical homeschooler I always struggle knowing that I am covering all the aspects of the history time period we are currently studying. Somehow I tend to feel like I am missing something or short changing my children. I have always used the Story of the World books to structure our history lessons and readings. This Easy Classical history schedule nicely laid out each chapter from the Story of the World book that should be read each week. In addition to the Story of the World readings each week this schedule includes copywork, geography, and writing assignments along with review questions and a comprehension quiz. I am incredibly impressed with the thoroughness of this schedule. It is so easy to follow, clearly organized, and full of additional recommended reading resources. I have voracious readers so the reading lists are wonderful, it takes the time and effort I usually spend finding additional books for them to read out of my planning equation.
For frazzled, over scheduled, new classical homeschoolers, or homeschool Moms who just want to save time planning the Easy Classical schedules will be a time and sanity saver.
Product details:
Notebook version: $35.95
Digital version: $29.95
Sample Introductory Pages
Sample Schedule Pages
Sample Drawing Lesson Pages
Also available on the Easy Classical website is an extensive list of curriculum and supplemental resources available for each of the classical history time periods.
Disclaimer: Easy Classical provided me with the Early Modern History schedule for free in exchange for my honest opinion and review.
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