Thursday, February 4, 2010

Turn the other cheek

God is amazing!

On my afternoon walk today I was listening to the Daily Audio Bible NLT version. Through daily podcasts Brian at DAB will read the NLT bible in its entirety during 2010. My husband recently downloaded this podcast to my phone so I have been able to enjoy it on my walks these past couple of days. But I digress, one of the podcasts I listened to today read Matthew 5. As the podcast continued I found myself meditating on Matthew 5:38 which states But I say, do not resist an evil person! If someone slaps you on the right cheek, offer the other cheek also. This verse rang loud in my heart because of challenges I have had with my two sons. When push comes to shove and one of them gets hurt they usually strike out at the other in anger and revenge. I have struggled with how to best handle this situation. Sometimes I tell them to walk away, other times I have told them to stand up for themselves. Today, God gave me an answer through his Good Book. This evening I repeated Matthew 5:38 to my boys after they each hurt one another in anger during a wrestling session. For me, there is nothing more powerful than being able to teach my children directly from scripture. His word is such a powerful tool for teaching and blessed me this evening.

Revenge and anger are sometimes difficult struggles in our lives. It is my prayer that next time anger rises in your heart, you hear Matthew 5:38 shouting loud and clear in your head.

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