Monday, February 15, 2010

Doubt vs. Trust

O Lord, I give my life to you.
I trust in you, my God!
Do not let me be disgraced,
or let my enemies rejoice in my doubt.
No one who trusts in you will ever be disgraced, 
but disgrace comes to those who try to deceive others.
Psalm 25:1-3

Doubt and trust can come in many different forms in our lives. Be them personal, spiritual, or worldly; doubt and trust play a vital role in who we are how we live our lives.
How is doubt affecting your personal life? In what areas of your life do you doubt yourself? Listen to your self-talk and you will find your answers. I hear too often from my friends "I am not a good cook", "I am so bad at that", or "Oh, I could never try that, I am too old". The list of doubting comments could go on and on. So many times our self-doubt stems from something in our childhood. Whether it was a single comment someone said to us at a vulnerable time in our lives or an overall theme of worthlessness to our childhood, self doubt lives in all of us in one shape, form or fashion.

The problem isn't whether we have doubt in our lives, but rather what we do with that doubt. Does it consume us and limit our lives or do we acknowledge it and move past it? Of course we all need to do the later.

Doubt can permeate your relationship with our Lord Savior. You might question the life path he has set you on or you might falter with unanswered prayers. No matter the situation or circumstance we have all doubted Him one time or another. But why? As I walk the life that He has set before me I am growing in my faith, understanding, and most importantly my trust in Him and His path for my life.

Personally, this year already has some major changes on the horizon. A job change for my husband has been a year in the making and has to happen this year. As a result, the job change is taking the form of moving our family out of state. And if a job change and 1800 mile move wasn't enough in one year, God has laid upon our hearts  growing our family by faith. 

A large family was not always in our hearts, quite the contrary in fact. After the birth of our youngest my husband and I decided we were done. That is it we said, no more, we are done. How foolish we were! Shortly after our decision and steps to make no more kids permanent we began doubting our choice. For two and a half years we struggled with where God was leading us. In essence we were doubting Him. What a mistake on our part! Why didn't we trust Him more freely? Doesn't he provide everything we need? Don't we owe it all to Him? And still, we doubted. Oh Heavenly Father, please forgive us of our doubt.

This post was laid upon my heart this evening because I know many (if not all) of you struggle with doubt, pain, or struggles in life on a daily basis. Have you given your fears to God? I want to encourage you to trust in Him with everything you have. If it is His will, He will provide everything you need.

Sure I could be a nervous wreck thinking about a job change, moving my family of 5 with 2 dogs and a cat 1800 miles from my hometown, and possibly being pregnant all at the same time. You know what though? I am at peace with where my Lord is leading me. He will hold my hand and guide me down the path he set before me even before I was born.

Give Him your doubt and He will give you comfort. Trust in Him because everything is possible with God!


  1. Hey Alexis!
    I have a blog award for you!
    Come by my blog and get it when you can!
    God bless!

  2. Doubt can definitely cast a shadow on our lives! Great post :)



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