Monday, May 10, 2010

Glorious Garage Sales

One thing I am truly enjoying about our new Midwest home is all the glorious garage sales. If there is something you are looking for at a cheap price chances are you will find it at a garage sale if you look long enough. While you are looking for that sought after item you are sure to find other things that you can use at amazingly low prices. Clearance racks, sale prices, and discount coupons hold no water next to the prices you will pay at a garage sale. If you are conscious about your spending and could use a little money in the bank at the end of each month then start heading out on the weekends (or even as early as Wednesday in some areas) to your local garage sales. The weather is warming up around the country and people are purging, spring cleaning is upon us. What a wonderful time to explore some glorious garage sales.

Some of my recent garage sale finds include clothes like new for my children for .25 to .50 cents, like new brand name sweaters for myself for just a few dollars (all less than $3), a Columbia jacket for my husband in amazing condition for $10, books for home school for as little as .25 cents, 2 sets of BOB books for $1, 2 sets of lace curtains for my house for $1, and the list goes on. There isn’t a day that my Mom and I head out to garage sale that I don’t find a deal.

The first time I took my 3 kids garage saleing I was a little nervous. I thought for sure they would be a handful out of sheer boredom; much like they can be at the mall or other store where I have to do some shopping. Much to my surprise they did amazingly well. Every garage sale was an opportunity for them to play with new toys that were for sale. Every house had new things to look at and sometimes tough. My kids and I soon started calling our garage sale outings “treasure hunting”.

If you are looking to cut costs form your clothing, household, education, or entertainment budget I highly recommend hitting your local garage sales!

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