Monday, June 10, 2013

Let's Make a Web Page: Motherboard Books Review

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During the most recent school term my oldest 2 boys (ages 8 & 11) had the wonderful opportunity to learn some of the basics of computer programming. That homeschool co-op class has piqued their interest and their imagination when it comes to computers and what they could design. So, they were both really excited to hear that they also had the opportunity to learn the basics of designing a website as part of a review opportunity using an ebook from Motherboard Books titled Let's Make a Web Page!.

Let's Make a Web Page! is an ebook which requires the use of a 30-day free trial from to teach children ages 8-12 the basics of designing a web page. The design element from does not require the use of HTML code which in our experience, made the process of designing a web page less intimidating.

Let's Make a Web Page logo photo motherboardbooks-letsmakeawebpage_zpsc51e735a.png

Being that my boys have had some basic programming experience prior to this review, they found using the design website rather simple once they figured out the basic elements. I had both boys use my iPad to read the Let's Make a Web Page! ebook while they worked on their web page design projects. They were both able to complete their individual web page projects in just a few hours. However, because they enjoyed it so much they asked to play around with it a while after their pages were done. They enjoyed having fun and changing various elements to see the realm of various possibilities.

The book suggests making a web page based on an interview of another person. Both of my boys however, chose to design their pages around the books they are currently reading. Their pages turned out great so in my opinion the interview aspect is not a mandatory part of the lesson element.

Let's Make a Web Page! is 60 pages filled with not only text but helpful graphics to help your children throughout the entire design process. My 8 year old in particular found the pictures in the ebook helpful when he was confused on what to do next.

If you have a budding computer programmer or web page designer my boys and I all would recommend Let's Make a Web Page! It is a great introduction into the world of web design. You can purchase this ebook for $19.95 and find out if your children truly do enjoy this aspect of programming.

You can read more reviews from fellow crew members!


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