*Free New Mothers Kit From Pfizer Call
1-800-223-0182-Say you are
interested in the New Mother's Kit and also let them know if you are having twins or triplets. They will ask how you heard of this offer, tell them a friend told you. You get Desitin, Pediacare, Purell, and other Pfizer products.
*Evenflo 1-800-233-Baby free gift pack for Multiples-full of bottles, nipples and toys
*Window Covering Safety Council free childproofing kit for window blinds, Call 1-800-506-4636
*Avent 1-800-54-AVENT free info and sample (wonderful samples for breastfeeding mother)
*Baby Mil or Baby soy 1-800-344-1358 - Free samples and coupons
*Balmex 1-866-844-2798 press 0 - free sample/coupons
*Carnation Good Start 1-800-242-5200 free club with checks free and dollars off formula if you have twins or more they will send you even more coupons for free formula.
*Del Monte 1-800-USA- BABY (coupons/samples)
*Earths Best 1-800-434-4246 press #1 for free coupons
*Free Evenflo Product Coupons, Booklets and Information, Call 1-800-356-2229
*First Years 1-800-533-6708 free toys for Multiples
*Gerber 1-800-443-7237 free coupons - be sure you tell them if you are having multiples
*Huggies 1-800-544-1847 samples and coupons (make sure you tell them if you are having twins/triplets)
*Johnson and Johnson 1-800-526-3967 coupons, and for multiples coupons for free items.
*Luvs 1-800-699-7916 coupons for Multiples
*Pedia Care 1-800-717-2824 $23.00 in cents off coupons and coupons for free items new mothers pack (some of their products are Desitin, Listerine, Pedia Care, Purell) Great pack
*Similac 1-800-Baby-Line Welcome addition club checks for formula and info
*Twins magazine 1-888-558-9467 they will send you a back issue to see if you like it.
*Nestle Infant Nutrition 1-800-222-0453www.verybestbaby.com They send coupons for 5 cans of carnation good start formula
*Playtex Products 1800-222-0453 Twins-bottle kit, liners and pacifiers. Triplets-2 bottle kits, liners and pacifiers. Quads-3 bottle kits, liners and pacifiers
*Evenflo Products Multiple Birth Program 1000 Evenflo
Drive Canton,
GA 30114 1-800-356-2229 Twins-starter kit, disposable liners and
coupons. Triplets-starter kits, liners, coupons and bibs Quads-starter kits, liners, coupons and bibs
*Scott Paper Co. - Call 1-800-TEL-SCOT to receive free Baby Fresh Wipes for multiples.
*Playtex Products 1800-222-0453 Twins-bottle kit, liners and pacifiers. Triplets-2 bottle kits, liners and pacifiers. Quads-3 bottle kits, liners and pacifiers
*Johnson & Johnson 1-800-526-3967 Twins-gift packet. Triplets-gift packet. Quads-gift packet
*Mead & Johnson 1-800-222-9123 www.enfamil.com You can receive a one time shipment of complimentary formula; one case for each baby.
*Proctor & Gamble Company Pampers Multiple Birth Program 1-800-543- 0480 Preemie Pampers can be purchased by the case by calling 1-800-543-4932.
*Beechnut Food Corp 800-beechnut www.beechnut.com Twins-promotional packet and 2x the coupons. Triplets promotional packet and 3x the coupons. Quads-promotional packet and 4x the coupons.
*Bristol-Myers Multiple Birth Program 1800-422-2902 ask for coupons and samples.
*H.J. HeinzConsumer Services 1-800-872-2229 Send coupons for baby products
*Modial Industries 216-626-4490 Different gifts, some people get diaper genies
*Carnation 800-242-5200 Carnation does not have a multiple program, but you can call every week or so and get coupons. They do have an Special Delivery Club for expectant mothers:1-800-547-9400, Carnation sends booklets on pregnancy, nutrition, formula coupons, samples, order forms for upcoming programs and other pamphlets.
*Midas 800-621-0144 Midas dealers offer discounts on car sets. You can return the seats to Midas and get credit for
services at any Midas shop.
*Ross Laboratories (Similac)1-800-222-9546 Welcome Addition Club -Call to join the club and receive coupons. Talk to your peditritionfor local rep. Will usually give a case of formula per baby.
*Scott Paper Co.1-800-TEL-SCOTTwins-coupons for free Baby Fresh and Wash a-bye BabyTriplets-coupons for free Baby Fresh and Wash a-bye BabyQuads-coupons for free Baby Fresh and Wash a-bye Baby
*Ansa Bottle Co., 1-800-527-1096 Triplets or more only
*Little Me, 1-800-533-5437/1-301-729-4488 Triplets or more only;
*Mother's Little Miracle, 1-310-544-7125 Triplets or more only;
*One Step Ahead Catalog, 1-800-274-8440
*COUPON for a FREE any size Baby Magic Product 1-800-228-7408
American Academy of Pediatrics 1-800-433 9016 Parent Resource Guide
Babysitter Safety Booklet ask for booklet #12 1-800-843-5678
Beechnut's mailing list, coupons 1-800-523 6633
Booklets & Info for Moms-to-Be from the March of Dimes
Breast pump and infant care catalog from US Medical
Corp. 1-800-408-7633
Breast feeding healing and soothing lotion
Carnation Follow-Up Formula coupons and informative booklet (formula for babies eating solid foods), 1-800-242-5200 (ext.291)
Carnation The Very Best Magazine, can of formula coupons 1-800-242-5200
Cedar 1-800-GO CEDAR video for play sets, and catalog
Children's shoes catalog, 1-800-MY5-TOES
Diaper Genie for twins or more (call before 3 months old) 1-800-843-6430
Diaper Rash Ointment 1-800-587 3721 sample
Earth's Best (baby food) newsletter, coupons 1-800-442-4221
EvenFlo 1-800-356 BABY or 1-800-233 BABY coupons and information
Family Beginnings Club For expecting parents
1-800-BABY 123
Fisher Price 1-800-432 KIDS catalog and information
Flanders Buttocks Ointment samples for Diaper Rash.
Send two loose stamps and your address to: Flanders Marketing, P.O.
Box 5323, Aiken,
SC 29804
Folic Acid and It's Role in Preventing Birth Defects Booklet, good for before and during pregnancy. 1-888-232-6789
Gerber 1-800-4 GERBER prenatal pack, also for coupons later
Guide For a Strong and Healthy Baby ask for phd603
Guide to Infant Play pamphlet from Sassy for 0-18 months. 1-616-243-0767
Heinz 1-800-872 2229 Baby Food coupons and Booklet
Heinz Baby Club For Canadians 1-800-565-2100
Home safety tips, 1-877-UL-4-SAFE
Information on Advantage Sound and motion Bassinets,
Information on BeBe Sounds Prenatal Listening device.
Information on ear infections and a booklet on you baby's language development and hearing 1-800-587-DAVS or visit www.KidEars.com
Information on homeopathic medicines for children,
Information on why you should have your baby's umbilical cord blood saved,
Introductory Subscription to American Baby Magazine for Expecting Parents (Will be billed after introduction offer.) 1-800-678 1208
Johnson & Johnson 1-800-526-3967 for New Parent's Pack of coupons and info
Kimberley-Clark (Huggies) 1-800-544-1847 press 1, 1, 1 automated mailing list also Proof-of-Purchase Catalog, and Huggies rebate forms: 1-800-990-4448
K-mart 1-800-533 0143 Birthday Club
Little Me: baby wear catalog 1-800-533-5437
Little Remedies coupons, info, and poster (Little Noses decongestant aids, Little Tummy gas and nausea relief, etc)
Magnetized chart for your fridge Write to: Advil Forum on Health
Education, Dept. CAM, 1500 Broadway, 25th Floor, New
York, NY 10036
Maternity clothes catalog,1-800-966-6847 for Maternity Factory Outlet
Mayo Clinic Complete Book of Pregnancy and Baby's First Year from
State Farm, 1-888-SF EVENT (1-888-733-8368)
Motherhood Maternity Catalog, 1-800-4-MOM2BE they have nursing and plus sizes cloths
Motherwear 1-800-633 0303 catalog for moms who breast feed
Munchkin coupons (for bottles, nipples, etc.),
Pantene Pro-V Essentials! Choose from instant hair quencher, body enhancer, and ultimate hair therapy. 1-800-776-8424
Playtex Product Coupons, Booklets and Information,1-800-222-0453
Pregnancy Diary Myself My Baby (Spanish Version Only) to take you step by step through your pregnancy. Write to:
National Maternal
Child Health Clearinghouse, 8201 Greensboro Dr., Suite
600, McLean,
VA 22102 1-703-821-8955 ext. 254
Pregnancy guide CD, 1-888-933-5383
Pregnancy planner from the National Women's Health Resource Center and the Consumer Healthcare Products Association. It's a 10 month blank calendar loaded with pregnancy tips and information. 1-877-986-9472
Preventing and Treating Your Baby's Diaper Rash pamphlet, and a $1 off any size from Balmex, 1-800-777-2500
Ross Labs (Similac For Canadians 1-800-518-CLUB coupons and samples
Ross Labs (Similac) 1-800-BABYLINE Welcome Addition Club
Safety Kit for Halogen Lamps 1-800-985-2220
Sample of Zilactin Baby Teething Gel, 1-800-746-8888
ext. 715
Schering Plough 1-800-522-7300 video on child allergies and pollen index chart
The 1st years 1-800-533-6708 product catalog and coupons
Toy Safety Coloring Book for kids (ask for item #283) and you can also ask for a booklet on safe playground tips for
children 1-800-638-2772
Triaminic 1-888-935-5543 information and coupon
Tylenol 1-800-962-5357 information
Video on water contamination, lead exposure, health effects, and what parents can do to protect their children. 1-800-604-1995
Window Covering Safety Council 1-800-506-4636 childproofing kit for window blinds
Women after childbirth: a pamphleted Depression After Delivery to help you determine if you have postpartum blues or need help with deeper feelings. Write to Depression After Delivery,
Box 278, Belle
Mead, NJ 08502 or 1-800-944-4773
You're A New Parent! Guide from Prudential Insurance
ext. 3076
Your Baby's Development, a color booklet about child development from birth to 18 months. 1-888-344-BABY
Carnation "Special Delivery Club", for expectant parents. You get pamphlets on prenatal care and nutrition and product samples, coupons and other goodies for the new baby!
For parents of multiples, write Evenflo for information and requirements to receive their promotional items for
multiple births, including samples.
Call Midas for information on discount car seats for infants.
First Name Almanac. Receive a free igraphied presentation of a first name, its meaning, personality traits of persons with that name and other neat little things.
Johnson and Johnson offers free booklets and samples, coupons etc....on a wide variety of subjects ranging from baby products to personal health care.
Kodak. for information on the "New Parent Program".Includes discounts and coupons on Kodak photograph equipment and film.
Osh-Kosh by Gosh. to join the parents club and receive free coupons and special promotional offers.
For Munchkin coupons (for bottles, nipples, etc.)
1-800-292-4794Free "Lansinoh" sample - For Moist Wound Healing During Breast feeding
1-800-985-2220Free "Bulb Guard" Safety Kits for Halogen Lamps
(request by postcard)
1-800-526-3967 Free J & J "New Parent's Packet" of Baby Product Coupons (ask rep)
Fisher Price Rewards Programwww.fisherprice.com/us/lovingfamily/promotions /
Feeding / Food:
1-800-356-2229Free Evenflo Product Coupons, Booklets and Information
Beech Nut Baby Food. to receive rebate forms that you return with UPC labels to receive coupons good towards future purchases of baby food
1-800-344-1358Free $5 Rebate on a Case of "Babymil" or "Babysoy"
(Ext. 291) Carnation Follow-Up Formula for kids now eating more than just milk offers information pack and money saving coupons.
1-800-538-9852Baby Basics Formula
1-800-242 -200 (ext. 291) Carnation "The Very Best"Magazinewww.verybestbaby.com
1-800-547-9400Free Carnation Baby Formula Coupons
1-800-543-3112Free Carnation Baby Formula Coupons and Booklet (x010)
Welcome Addition Club (Similac)www.welcomeaddition.com ,Free Similac, Isomil or Other Formula Coupons
Educational Materials
1-800-222-9123Free Mead/Johnson Coupons toward Enfamil, ProSobee,
Other Formulas
Baby Food
Beechnut's mailing list, free coupons
Earth's Best (baby food) newsletter, coupons
prenatal pack, also for coupons later 1-800-443-7237
Heinz Food Coupons and Booklet (press #2)http://www.heinzbaby.com/english/pdf...eding_plan.pdf
Diaper Rash Ointment sample
1-800-544-1847 (press 1, 1, 1 )
Kimberly Clark (Huggies: to get to the automated
mailing list
Kimberly Clark (Huggies) Huggies rebate form
"Preventing and Treating Your Baby's Diaper Rash"
pamphlet, and a $1
off any size from Balmex,
1-800-587-3721Free Diaper Rash Cream sample from Xttrium Labs (in
Diaper Genie
1-800-544-1847 Free Kimberley-Clark Product Coupons,
Booklets and
1-800-543-0480Free Proctor and Gamble (Pampers/Luvs) Product Coupons
and Booklets
Store Brand Diaper (Big Lots)www.thenurseryroom.com/Store/coupon.asp
Feeding Supplies
1-800-356-BABY or 1-800-233-BABY
Evenflo coupons and information
The 1st years product catalog and coupons
Playtex Product Coupons, Booklets and Information
Johnson & Johnson for "New Parent's Pack" of coupons
and info
1-800-962-5357 Free Tylenol Product Coupons for Tylenol Products of
Your Choice
Triaminic Free information and coupon
1-800-746-8888 (ext. 715)Free sample of "Zilactin" Baby Teething Gel
1-800-952-5080Free Baby OraJel Coupons for Cherry Flavor and
Nighttime Formula
Orajel Rebatehttp://www.orajel.com/baby/baby_rebate.htm !!!
1-800-842-3030Free Magnetic Dose Chart and $2 Coupon on Children's
Motrin Cold
Little Remedies coupons, info, and poster (Little
Noses decongestant
aids, Little Tummys gas and nausea relief, etc)www.littleremedies.com
"Just in Case You Need a Babysitter" Safety Booklet
ask for booklet
1-800-843-7625 ext. 3076 For a "You're A New Parent!"
Guide from
Prudential Insurance
"Preventing and Treating Your Baby's Diaper Rash"
pamphlet, and a $1
off any size from Balmex
"Your Baby's Development," a color booklet about child
from birth to 18 months.
1-800-292-4794Free Breastfeeding healing and soothing lotion
www.drypers.com to get on their mailing list. For
multiple births,
they have a one time offer of a certificate for a free
package of
diapers. Other coupons. Send confirmation of births
to: AHP, ATTN:
Drypers Multiple Birth Program, Box 8830, Vancouver,
WA 98666-8830.
MeadJohnson/Enfamil - 1-800-BABY-123
Drypers will send you coupons in exchange for your unused points from other diapers. Check it out. You'll get $10.50 in coupons for 50-125 points or $21.00 in coupons for 126+ points. There is also a link on the page for a Free Goodie Pack.
"Enfamil Family Beginnings" Register to receive newsletter, coupons, etc. Also, go towww.enfamil.com/enfamil8.html for a free diaper bag at the hospital!
Ross Labs/Similac 1-800-BABYLINE "Welcome Addition Club" www.welcomeaddition.com They send you a starter supply of formula along with coupons. If your child needs to be put on Alimentum formula due to allergies, you can request a starter supply of that as well. (That is expensive stuff!!!)
Carnation "The Very Best" Magazine, free can of
formula coupons 1-800-
CARNATION (1-800-242-5200)
Gerber 1-800-443-7237 www.gerber.com for coupons for food, toys, and clothes. before the baby is born for a prenatal pack. After the birth you can when your baby reaches each of the stages 1,2,and 3 and they will send you coupons.
Heinz baby food: 1-800-872-2229 after your baby is born. They will send coupons.
Beechnut: 1-800-523-6633www.beechnut.com for new parent info and coupons. The web site will list any promos they have at the time.
Kimberly Clark/Huggies 1-800-544-1847www.huggies.com you can be put on the mailing list bying or signing up online. other sites are www.littleswimmers.com and www.pull-ups.com Munchkins bottles and accessories, free coupons and pamphlet.
Evenflo 1-800-233-5921 or 1-800-356-BABY (not sure which is correct Playtex product coupons and info 1-800-222-0453 Zilactin teething gel free sample 1-800-746-8888 from last OCT. issue of Parents magazine 1-800-400-3430 free brochure on reasons for saving your baby's umbilical cord blood.
Childproofing kit for window blinds from Window
Covering Safety
Council 1-800-506-4636 Balmex 1-800-777-2500
Free pamphlet on treating diaper rash and coupon 1st
Years- 1-800-533-
6708 catalog and coupons Goodnights disposable diapersfree sample
and coupons 1-800-324-8783
K-mart birthday club 1-800-533-0143
Pampers- 1-800-PAMPERS www.pampers.com Ask for
www.luvs.com sign up for e-mail newsletter. You can
also get info on
their promos 1-800-442-4221
www.earthsbest.com sign up for newsletter (this is an
organic baby
food company)
www.babyzone.com free info on pregnancy and babies.
Has a free stuff
Get baby's first circus ticket for free! Send baby's
name, address,
and date of birth to: Ringling Brothers. & Barnum &
Bailey Box 39845,
Dept. FB Edina, MN 55439
www.babyzone.com - devoted to information on pregnancy
and babies.
Check out the Free Stuff category and you will find
many of the
offers listed as hot links.
www.beechnut.com - (1-800-523-6633) has information
about their
products and any special offers they have running at
the time. E-mail
or them for their new parent information.
www.gerber.com - (1-800-443-7237) - lots of
information you might
find helpful. You can join my Gerber from the web or
them to get on
the mailing list. You can for coupons each time your
child steps up a
stage in food.
www.earthsbest.com - (1-800-442-4221) - sells organic baby food. You can sign up for their newsletter on the web.
1-800-USA-BABY - Heinz Baby Food line. You can get a one- time new parent pack with information and coupons buying and asking for it.
www.luvs.com - Sign up on-line for their e-mail newsletter to learn about new offers as they come out.
1-800-233-5921 - Evenflo - Coupons and product brochures for bottles and feeding products.
interested in the New Mother's Kit and also let them know if you are having twins or triplets. They will ask how you heard of this offer, tell them a friend told you. You get Desitin, Pediacare, Purell, and other Pfizer products.
*Evenflo 1-800-233-Baby free gift pack for Multiples-full of bottles, nipples and toys
*Window Covering Safety Council free childproofing kit for window blinds, Call 1-800-506-4636
*Avent 1-800-54-AVENT free info and sample (wonderful samples for breastfeeding mother)
*Baby Mil or Baby soy 1-800-344-1358 - Free samples and coupons
*Balmex 1-866-844-2798 press 0 - free sample/coupons
*Carnation Good Start 1-800-242-5200 free club with checks free and dollars off formula if you have twins or more they will send you even more coupons for free formula.
*Del Monte 1-800-USA- BABY (coupons/samples)
*Earths Best 1-800-434-4246 press #1 for free coupons
*Free Evenflo Product Coupons, Booklets and Information, Call 1-800-356-2229
*First Years 1-800-533-6708 free toys for Multiples
*Gerber 1-800-443-7237 free coupons - be sure you tell them if you are having multiples
*Huggies 1-800-544-1847 samples and coupons (make sure you tell them if you are having twins/triplets)
*Johnson and Johnson 1-800-526-3967 coupons, and for multiples coupons for free items.
*Luvs 1-800-699-7916 coupons for Multiples
*Pedia Care 1-800-717-2824 $23.00 in cents off coupons and coupons for free items new mothers pack (some of their products are Desitin, Listerine, Pedia Care, Purell) Great pack
*Similac 1-800-Baby-Line Welcome addition club checks for formula and info
*Twins magazine 1-888-558-9467 they will send you a back issue to see if you like it.
*Nestle Infant Nutrition 1-800-222-0453www.verybestbaby.com They send coupons for 5 cans of carnation good start formula
*Playtex Products 1800-222-0453 Twins-bottle kit, liners and pacifiers. Triplets-2 bottle kits, liners and pacifiers. Quads-3 bottle kits, liners and pacifiers
*Evenflo Products Multiple Birth Program 1000 Evenflo
Drive Canton,
GA 30114 1-800-356-2229 Twins-starter kit, disposable liners and
coupons. Triplets-starter kits, liners, coupons and bibs Quads-starter kits, liners, coupons and bibs
*Scott Paper Co. - Call 1-800-TEL-SCOT to receive free Baby Fresh Wipes for multiples.
*Playtex Products 1800-222-0453 Twins-bottle kit, liners and pacifiers. Triplets-2 bottle kits, liners and pacifiers. Quads-3 bottle kits, liners and pacifiers
*Johnson & Johnson 1-800-526-3967 Twins-gift packet. Triplets-gift packet. Quads-gift packet
*Mead & Johnson 1-800-222-9123 www.enfamil.com You can receive a one time shipment of complimentary formula; one case for each baby.
*Proctor & Gamble Company Pampers Multiple Birth Program 1-800-543- 0480 Preemie Pampers can be purchased by the case by calling 1-800-543-4932.
*Beechnut Food Corp 800-beechnut www.beechnut.com Twins-promotional packet and 2x the coupons. Triplets promotional packet and 3x the coupons. Quads-promotional packet and 4x the coupons.
*Bristol-Myers Multiple Birth Program 1800-422-2902 ask for coupons and samples.
*H.J. HeinzConsumer Services 1-800-872-2229 Send coupons for baby products
*Modial Industries 216-626-4490 Different gifts, some people get diaper genies
*Carnation 800-242-5200 Carnation does not have a multiple program, but you can call every week or so and get coupons. They do have an Special Delivery Club for expectant mothers:1-800-547-9400, Carnation sends booklets on pregnancy, nutrition, formula coupons, samples, order forms for upcoming programs and other pamphlets.
*Midas 800-621-0144 Midas dealers offer discounts on car sets. You can return the seats to Midas and get credit for
services at any Midas shop.
*Ross Laboratories (Similac)1-800-222-9546 Welcome Addition Club -Call to join the club and receive coupons. Talk to your peditritionfor local rep. Will usually give a case of formula per baby.
*Scott Paper Co.1-800-TEL-SCOTTwins-coupons for free Baby Fresh and Wash a-bye BabyTriplets-coupons for free Baby Fresh and Wash a-bye BabyQuads-coupons for free Baby Fresh and Wash a-bye Baby
*Ansa Bottle Co., 1-800-527-1096 Triplets or more only
*Little Me, 1-800-533-5437/1-301-729-4488 Triplets or more only;
*Mother's Little Miracle, 1-310-544-7125 Triplets or more only;
*One Step Ahead Catalog, 1-800-274-8440
*COUPON for a FREE any size Baby Magic Product 1-800-228-7408
American Academy of Pediatrics 1-800-433 9016 Parent Resource Guide
Babysitter Safety Booklet ask for booklet #12 1-800-843-5678
Beechnut's mailing list, coupons 1-800-523 6633
Booklets & Info for Moms-to-Be from the March of Dimes
Breast pump and infant care catalog from US Medical
Corp. 1-800-408-7633
Breast feeding healing and soothing lotion
Carnation Follow-Up Formula coupons and informative booklet (formula for babies eating solid foods), 1-800-242-5200 (ext.291)
Carnation The Very Best Magazine, can of formula coupons 1-800-242-5200
Cedar 1-800-GO CEDAR video for play sets, and catalog
Children's shoes catalog, 1-800-MY5-TOES
Diaper Genie for twins or more (call before 3 months old) 1-800-843-6430
Diaper Rash Ointment 1-800-587 3721 sample
Earth's Best (baby food) newsletter, coupons 1-800-442-4221
EvenFlo 1-800-356 BABY or 1-800-233 BABY coupons and information
Family Beginnings Club For expecting parents
1-800-BABY 123
Fisher Price 1-800-432 KIDS catalog and information
Flanders Buttocks Ointment samples for Diaper Rash.
Send two loose stamps and your address to: Flanders Marketing, P.O.
Box 5323, Aiken,
SC 29804
Folic Acid and It's Role in Preventing Birth Defects Booklet, good for before and during pregnancy. 1-888-232-6789
Gerber 1-800-4 GERBER prenatal pack, also for coupons later
Guide For a Strong and Healthy Baby ask for phd603
Guide to Infant Play pamphlet from Sassy for 0-18 months. 1-616-243-0767
Heinz 1-800-872 2229 Baby Food coupons and Booklet
Heinz Baby Club For Canadians 1-800-565-2100
Home safety tips, 1-877-UL-4-SAFE
Information on Advantage Sound and motion Bassinets,
Information on BeBe Sounds Prenatal Listening device.
Information on ear infections and a booklet on you baby's language development and hearing 1-800-587-DAVS or visit www.KidEars.com
Information on homeopathic medicines for children,
Information on why you should have your baby's umbilical cord blood saved,
Introductory Subscription to American Baby Magazine for Expecting Parents (Will be billed after introduction offer.) 1-800-678 1208
Johnson & Johnson 1-800-526-3967 for New Parent's Pack of coupons and info
Kimberley-Clark (Huggies) 1-800-544-1847 press 1, 1, 1 automated mailing list also Proof-of-Purchase Catalog, and Huggies rebate forms: 1-800-990-4448
K-mart 1-800-533 0143 Birthday Club
Little Me: baby wear catalog 1-800-533-5437
Little Remedies coupons, info, and poster (Little Noses decongestant aids, Little Tummy gas and nausea relief, etc)
Magnetized chart for your fridge Write to: Advil Forum on Health
Education, Dept. CAM, 1500 Broadway, 25th Floor, New
York, NY 10036
Maternity clothes catalog,1-800-966-6847 for Maternity Factory Outlet
Mayo Clinic Complete Book of Pregnancy and Baby's First Year from
State Farm, 1-888-SF EVENT (1-888-733-8368)
Motherhood Maternity Catalog, 1-800-4-MOM2BE they have nursing and plus sizes cloths
Motherwear 1-800-633 0303 catalog for moms who breast feed
Munchkin coupons (for bottles, nipples, etc.),
Pantene Pro-V Essentials! Choose from instant hair quencher, body enhancer, and ultimate hair therapy. 1-800-776-8424
Playtex Product Coupons, Booklets and Information,1-800-222-0453
Pregnancy Diary Myself My Baby (Spanish Version Only) to take you step by step through your pregnancy. Write to:
National Maternal
Child Health Clearinghouse, 8201 Greensboro Dr., Suite
600, McLean,
VA 22102 1-703-821-8955 ext. 254
Pregnancy guide CD, 1-888-933-5383
Pregnancy planner from the National Women's Health Resource Center and the Consumer Healthcare Products Association. It's a 10 month blank calendar loaded with pregnancy tips and information. 1-877-986-9472
Preventing and Treating Your Baby's Diaper Rash pamphlet, and a $1 off any size from Balmex, 1-800-777-2500
Ross Labs (Similac For Canadians 1-800-518-CLUB coupons and samples
Ross Labs (Similac) 1-800-BABYLINE Welcome Addition Club
Safety Kit for Halogen Lamps 1-800-985-2220
Sample of Zilactin Baby Teething Gel, 1-800-746-8888
ext. 715
Schering Plough 1-800-522-7300 video on child allergies and pollen index chart
The 1st years 1-800-533-6708 product catalog and coupons
Toy Safety Coloring Book for kids (ask for item #283) and you can also ask for a booklet on safe playground tips for
children 1-800-638-2772
Triaminic 1-888-935-5543 information and coupon
Tylenol 1-800-962-5357 information
Video on water contamination, lead exposure, health effects, and what parents can do to protect their children. 1-800-604-1995
Window Covering Safety Council 1-800-506-4636 childproofing kit for window blinds
Women after childbirth: a pamphleted Depression After Delivery to help you determine if you have postpartum blues or need help with deeper feelings. Write to Depression After Delivery,
Box 278, Belle
Mead, NJ 08502 or 1-800-944-4773
You're A New Parent! Guide from Prudential Insurance
ext. 3076
Your Baby's Development, a color booklet about child development from birth to 18 months. 1-888-344-BABY
Carnation "Special Delivery Club", for expectant parents. You get pamphlets on prenatal care and nutrition and product samples, coupons and other goodies for the new baby!
For parents of multiples, write Evenflo for information and requirements to receive their promotional items for
multiple births, including samples.
Call Midas for information on discount car seats for infants.
First Name Almanac. Receive a free igraphied presentation of a first name, its meaning, personality traits of persons with that name and other neat little things.
Johnson and Johnson offers free booklets and samples, coupons etc....on a wide variety of subjects ranging from baby products to personal health care.
Kodak. for information on the "New Parent Program".Includes discounts and coupons on Kodak photograph equipment and film.
Osh-Kosh by Gosh. to join the parents club and receive free coupons and special promotional offers.
For Munchkin coupons (for bottles, nipples, etc.)
1-800-292-4794Free "Lansinoh" sample - For Moist Wound Healing During Breast feeding
1-800-985-2220Free "Bulb Guard" Safety Kits for Halogen Lamps
(request by postcard)
1-800-526-3967 Free J & J "New Parent's Packet" of Baby Product Coupons (ask rep)
Fisher Price Rewards Programwww.fisherprice.com/us/lovingfamily/promotions /
Feeding / Food:
1-800-356-2229Free Evenflo Product Coupons, Booklets and Information
Beech Nut Baby Food. to receive rebate forms that you return with UPC labels to receive coupons good towards future purchases of baby food
1-800-344-1358Free $5 Rebate on a Case of "Babymil" or "Babysoy"
(Ext. 291) Carnation Follow-Up Formula for kids now eating more than just milk offers information pack and money saving coupons.
1-800-538-9852Baby Basics Formula
1-800-242 -200 (ext. 291) Carnation "The Very Best"Magazinewww.verybestbaby.com
1-800-547-9400Free Carnation Baby Formula Coupons
1-800-543-3112Free Carnation Baby Formula Coupons and Booklet (x010)
Welcome Addition Club (Similac)www.welcomeaddition.com ,Free Similac, Isomil or Other Formula Coupons
Educational Materials
1-800-222-9123Free Mead/Johnson Coupons toward Enfamil, ProSobee,
Other Formulas
Baby Food
Beechnut's mailing list, free coupons
Earth's Best (baby food) newsletter, coupons
prenatal pack, also for coupons later 1-800-443-7237
Heinz Food Coupons and Booklet (press #2)http://www.heinzbaby.com/english/pdf...eding_plan.pdf
Diaper Rash Ointment sample
1-800-544-1847 (press 1, 1, 1 )
Kimberly Clark (Huggies: to get to the automated
mailing list
Kimberly Clark (Huggies) Huggies rebate form
"Preventing and Treating Your Baby's Diaper Rash"
pamphlet, and a $1
off any size from Balmex,
1-800-587-3721Free Diaper Rash Cream sample from Xttrium Labs (in
Diaper Genie
1-800-544-1847 Free Kimberley-Clark Product Coupons,
Booklets and
1-800-543-0480Free Proctor and Gamble (Pampers/Luvs) Product Coupons
and Booklets
Store Brand Diaper (Big Lots)www.thenurseryroom.com/Store/coupon.asp
Feeding Supplies
1-800-356-BABY or 1-800-233-BABY
Evenflo coupons and information
The 1st years product catalog and coupons
Playtex Product Coupons, Booklets and Information
Johnson & Johnson for "New Parent's Pack" of coupons
and info
1-800-962-5357 Free Tylenol Product Coupons for Tylenol Products of
Your Choice
Triaminic Free information and coupon
1-800-746-8888 (ext. 715)Free sample of "Zilactin" Baby Teething Gel
1-800-952-5080Free Baby OraJel Coupons for Cherry Flavor and
Nighttime Formula
Orajel Rebatehttp://www.orajel.com/baby/baby_rebate.htm !!!
1-800-842-3030Free Magnetic Dose Chart and $2 Coupon on Children's
Motrin Cold
Little Remedies coupons, info, and poster (Little
Noses decongestant
aids, Little Tummys gas and nausea relief, etc)www.littleremedies.com
"Just in Case You Need a Babysitter" Safety Booklet
ask for booklet
1-800-843-7625 ext. 3076 For a "You're A New Parent!"
Guide from
Prudential Insurance
"Preventing and Treating Your Baby's Diaper Rash"
pamphlet, and a $1
off any size from Balmex
"Your Baby's Development," a color booklet about child
from birth to 18 months.
1-800-292-4794Free Breastfeeding healing and soothing lotion
www.drypers.com to get on their mailing list. For
multiple births,
they have a one time offer of a certificate for a free
package of
diapers. Other coupons. Send confirmation of births
to: AHP, ATTN:
Drypers Multiple Birth Program, Box 8830, Vancouver,
WA 98666-8830.
MeadJohnson/Enfamil - 1-800-BABY-123
Drypers will send you coupons in exchange for your unused points from other diapers. Check it out. You'll get $10.50 in coupons for 50-125 points or $21.00 in coupons for 126+ points. There is also a link on the page for a Free Goodie Pack.
"Enfamil Family Beginnings" Register to receive newsletter, coupons, etc. Also, go towww.enfamil.com/enfamil8.html for a free diaper bag at the hospital!
Ross Labs/Similac 1-800-BABYLINE "Welcome Addition Club" www.welcomeaddition.com They send you a starter supply of formula along with coupons. If your child needs to be put on Alimentum formula due to allergies, you can request a starter supply of that as well. (That is expensive stuff!!!)
Carnation "The Very Best" Magazine, free can of
formula coupons 1-800-
CARNATION (1-800-242-5200)
Gerber 1-800-443-7237 www.gerber.com for coupons for food, toys, and clothes. before the baby is born for a prenatal pack. After the birth you can when your baby reaches each of the stages 1,2,and 3 and they will send you coupons.
Heinz baby food: 1-800-872-2229 after your baby is born. They will send coupons.
Beechnut: 1-800-523-6633www.beechnut.com for new parent info and coupons. The web site will list any promos they have at the time.
Kimberly Clark/Huggies 1-800-544-1847www.huggies.com you can be put on the mailing list bying or signing up online. other sites are www.littleswimmers.com and www.pull-ups.com Munchkins bottles and accessories, free coupons and pamphlet.
Evenflo 1-800-233-5921 or 1-800-356-BABY (not sure which is correct Playtex product coupons and info 1-800-222-0453 Zilactin teething gel free sample 1-800-746-8888 from last OCT. issue of Parents magazine 1-800-400-3430 free brochure on reasons for saving your baby's umbilical cord blood.
Childproofing kit for window blinds from Window
Covering Safety
Council 1-800-506-4636 Balmex 1-800-777-2500
Free pamphlet on treating diaper rash and coupon 1st
Years- 1-800-533-
6708 catalog and coupons Goodnights disposable diapersfree sample
and coupons 1-800-324-8783
K-mart birthday club 1-800-533-0143
Pampers- 1-800-PAMPERS www.pampers.com Ask for
www.luvs.com sign up for e-mail newsletter. You can
also get info on
their promos 1-800-442-4221
www.earthsbest.com sign up for newsletter (this is an
organic baby
food company)
www.babyzone.com free info on pregnancy and babies.
Has a free stuff
Get baby's first circus ticket for free! Send baby's
name, address,
and date of birth to: Ringling Brothers. & Barnum &
Bailey Box 39845,
Dept. FB Edina, MN 55439
www.babyzone.com - devoted to information on pregnancy
and babies.
Check out the Free Stuff category and you will find
many of the
offers listed as hot links.
www.beechnut.com - (1-800-523-6633) has information
about their
products and any special offers they have running at
the time. E-mail
or them for their new parent information.
www.gerber.com - (1-800-443-7237) - lots of
information you might
find helpful. You can join my Gerber from the web or
them to get on
the mailing list. You can for coupons each time your
child steps up a
stage in food.
www.earthsbest.com - (1-800-442-4221) - sells organic baby food. You can sign up for their newsletter on the web.
1-800-USA-BABY - Heinz Baby Food line. You can get a one- time new parent pack with information and coupons buying and asking for it.
www.luvs.com - Sign up on-line for their e-mail newsletter to learn about new offers as they come out.
1-800-233-5921 - Evenflo - Coupons and product brochures for bottles and feeding products.

Wow, this is quite a list! I'm passing on the link to this post to my friend who is due in February. :^)